2023 DSA National Convention: Mini-Issue

Building DSA as an Organization of Organizers

A vision for DSA’s future that responds to the problem of proletarian disorganization.

2023 DSA National Convention: Mini-Issue Articles

Communist Caucus Interviews 2023 NPC Candidates

Excerpt from the Communist Caucus Convention Committee’s interview with NPC candidates about their paths to DSA and organizing experience.

2023 DSA National Convention: Mini-Issue Articles

Tenant Organizing Strengthens DSA and the Wider Left

A member of the DSA Housing Justice Commission and ETOC explains how tenant organizing conducted by DSA members strengthens the DSA and brings tenants into the political struggle for socialism.

Issue 5

Internationalism: All About People

An analysis of internationalism as rooted in the revolutionary movements that propel the socialist process.

Issue 5

Renew on Merrit Tenant Council Timeline

A brief history of the tenant council in the lead up to and immediate aftermath of going on rent strike.

Issue 5

Crisis and Rupture

Pandemic and Class Struggle in Boston

Issue 5

Police Violence, Capital, and Neoliberalism

The impact of neoliberalism on US policing and the making of a retributive society.

Articles Issue 5

Crisis and Revolt in Iran Today

An Interview with Shirin Kamangar

Articles Featured

No War but the Class War

DSA International Committee leader historicizes the current discussion on the crisis in Ukraine and reaffirms the need for a strong socialist, anti-war position.


Issue 4: Editorial Statement

And despite your mental, spiritual, and physical debt to the relentless goings-on of a world succumb to capitalism—you are here reading this. Maybe you are a dutiful DSA organizer spending your weeknights after work on Zoom calls or canvassing your neighborhood, maybe you are a member of another organization or group fighting for change in…

Issue 4

Liberal Ideology and the Carceral State

If people have “equal rights,” why are some rich and some poor, and some free while others are incarcerated? Let’s explore liberalism’s underlying logic and dependence on the carceral state.

Issue 4

Introducing Partisan Magazine’s Tenant Unionist Column

Issue 1 of a new Partisan column documenting on-the-ground autonomous tenant struggles.