
We Need a Popular Antifascist Movement

To fight fascism we need long-haul working class organizations, concrete political alternatives, and, most urgently, a popular anti-fascist movement in the streets.


Seven Theses on the Post-Trump Right and DSA’s Role in the Fight Ahead

As the largest and most organized force on the U.S left, DSA has a crucial role to play in how the broader left interprets and responds to the storming of the US Capitol. As socialists, we are opposed to everything that happened in Washington Wednesday because it was an attempt by racist, right wing extremists to grow their movement, not because we are, in principle, opposed to occupying Congress


The Capitol Seizure, Abolition and Anti-Fascism

After the Capitol storming last week, calls for right-wing prosecution intensified, but empowering the state to suppress political activity poses a grave danger to the left.