Articles Issue 6

On Discipline in DSA

An argument for redefining discipline in DSA: socialist organizers must develop skills for navigating social and political differences, and commit to discussion and self-reflection.

Articles Issue 6 Labor

A Tactical Argument on DSA’s Approach to Labor

An analysis of the political left’s relationship to labor unions, and the potential strategies to reforge links between DSA and workplace militants.

Articles Issue 6

From Gaza to Oakland: Grassroots Organizing for Palestine in the Oakland Education Association

A first-hand account of the Oakland Education Association’s mobilization after October 7th to educate students about Palestine, while facing workplace retaliation and intra-union conflict.

Articles Issue 6

For Diverse Politics; For Diverse Tactics

A coordinator of the CC Committee on Anti-Racism synthesizes the committee’s investigation into abolitionist and anti-imperialist praxis, arguing that a response to proletarian disorganization necessitates the study of diverse political traditions.

Articles Issue 6

Theses for Palestine Solidarity

Communist Caucus organizers propose eleven theses for developing Palestine solidarity within labor unions, on the basis of recent organizing experience.

Articles Issue 6

Student Workers of Columbia and the Struggle for Palestine

A play-by-play account of Palestine solidarity organizing by students and workers at Columbia University, and an exploration of the political possibilities of organized student labor.

Articles Issue 6

No Appetite for Apartheid

The Palestine Solidarity Working Group takes inspiration from the Delano Grape Boycott to reimagine the BDS movement as mass organizing.

Articles Issue 6

The Illusion of Victory

Tenant protection regulations are crucial to bottlenecking the tide of evictions, harassment, and violence against housed and unhoused tenants, but their enforcement is always left up to a political class with interests antithetical to our own. In the end, only collective action can free us.