Issue 1

Prisons, Capitalism, and the State (and Revolution)

Emerge caucus member Yuri argues that one of the chief functions of policing and imprisonment is the management and disciplining of a reserve army of labor.

Issue 1

A Socialist Vision for Feminist Anti-Violence Organizing

#MeToo is the latest anti-violence movement to be compromised by liberal feminists and the carceral state. It’s time for socialists to develop a distinct vision for the movement.

Issue 1

Grist for the Mill: School Reopening During the Pandemic

Schools reopenings during the pandemic have and will continue to lay bare the capitalist logics at work in the contemporary classroom. Socialist teachers must bring militancy and trenchant political analysis into their unions.

Issue 1

Social Movement Unionism and the Rank and File Strategy

Why the DSA needs the rank-and-file strategy and why it needs to go beyond it.

Issue 1

Towards Restructuring the DSA

Serendipity may have originally brought thousands of people into DSA, but it is incumbent on those now steering the ship to transform it into a mass organization.

Issue 1

Agents of Repression

Cops aren’t workers, so they don’t deserve unions

Issue 1

Revolution in the Philippines

Red Caucus member Izzy F reviews this history of the Filipino Revolution and implores American comrades to take up its study.

Issue 1

An Immigrant, Latinx, Veteran’s Experience

Marcos, from Portland’s Red Caucus, traces his radicalization through his experiences encountering the American military’s toxicity, imperialism, and preying on working class and immigrant communities.

Issue 1

Classroom Justice

Communist Caucus member, Lew, discusses their experiences organizing with teachers, students, and parents in East Bay public schools, to fight against charter schools, in-school cops, and cuts to funding for public education.

Issue 1

Interview with a DSA National Insider

National Political Committee (NPC) member Austin G. discusses politics and International Committee reform with Emerge member Mike H.

Issue 1

Issue 1: Editorial Statement

We aren’t fighting to get “back to normal” or to “build back better.”